The Gestalt's Garden

My structural note on the ladder of discipline

| 479 words

I’ve spent a week processing «the discipline ladder» that Cal Newport explained in a recent episode of his podcast: “EP. 322: The Discipline Ladder”.

In my opinion, this is such a valuable idea that I couldn’t resist processing it thoroughly with my Zettelkasten. My intention is to write a series of articles for the Gestalt’s Garden on this topic in the future. For now, I leave you below the structural note resulting from having processed this idea in my Zettelkasten :-)

# 202411081143 -S- The Discipline Ladder
#-S- #-method- ##discipline-ladder #discipline 

The purpose of this note is to process _the discipline ladder_ so that I can use it in the future when I need it.

## Context: Why do we need to be disciplined?

_You need to have the capacity of discipline to be able to do difficult and important things which are necessary to be able to live a good life._

  Difficulty and importance defines the course of action.............[[202411081603]]
  Discipline enables one to do a difficult and important activity....[[202411081611]]
  Discipline is necessary for a good life............................[[202411081213]]

## Problem: How can you improve your discipline?

_How can you improve your capacity for discipline?_

  Discipline is a gradual ability that you can train.................[[202411081634]]
  The chemical obstacle prevents from starting difficult activities..[[202411111008]]
    The effort of starting and sustaining an activity are differents.[[202411111015]]
  Discipline is the obstacle and your comfort to that obstacle.......[[202411111044]]
  Improve your discipline through its base factors...................[[202411111529]]
  Doing hard things makes it easier to do hard things................[[202411111625]]

## Solution: The discipline ladder

_The discipline ladder is a strategy for improving your capcity to discipline._

**The strategy.** The strategy of the discipline ladder is to help you get into the virtuous circle of doing hard things.

  The discipline ladder lifts you into the virtuous circle...........[[202411131219]]

**Ladder levels.** The ladder of discipline is made up of different levels with incrementally increasing difficulty. Below, I show you a proposal of what these levels of difficulty should look like from least to most difficult.

  Level 1 -- A non-trivial but comfortable activity..................[[202411131613]]
  Level 2 -- An easy 15-minute activity..............................[[202411131633]]
    Adding an activity to your schedule is difficult.................[[202411141459]]
  Level 3 -- An easy 60-minute activity..............................[[202411131653]]
  Level 4 -- A progressively difficult 60-minute activity............[[202411131707]]

**The promise.** The promise of the discipline ladder is that (i) you start out doing something very easy that only requires three minutes a day and (ii) you end up doing something very difficult in one-hour blocks three times a week.

  The discipline ladder gets you comfortably up to the end...........[[202411141143]]

**Use the ladder when you need it.** The discipline ladder is a general workout that you only need to do once. However, there are cases where it is worthwhile to apply a modified ladder.

  The discipline ladder is a general training........................[[202411141209]]
  Use modified discipline ladders as needed..........................[[202411141510]]


[DeepQuestions322]: Deep Questions with Cal Newport - Ep. 322: The Discipline Ladder

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