I'm still processing the ideas about the journal-zettelkasten
161 words
I’m still processing the ideas from the zettelkasten.de forum1 on how to combine a journal and a Zettelkasten. My goal is to write a blog post for the Gestalt’s Garden on this topic.
But, before I start writing, I want to:
- finish processing all the ideas from the forum
- do some more research on good journaling practices
- try out the combination of all these ideas for myself.
When I have all these things, then I’ll be able to write a good-quality blog post :-)
For now I’ll leave you with what the structural note I’m using to think about this topic looks like:
# 202312050811 -S- How to combine a journal and a Zettelkasten
#-S- #journal-zettelkasten
The content and structure is different..........................[[202311241101]]
A journal is a tool for thinking.................................[[202311241124]
A Zettelkasten is a tool for thinking.........................[[20231014152718]]
There are synergies between a journal and a Zettelkasten........[[202311241131]]
The connection is the key for journal-zettelkasten synergies....[[202311241319]]
Ad-hoc connections in journal-zettelkasten environments.........[[202311241334]]